Álbum The Rainbow Children de Prince - Canciones

The Rainbow Children
2001 |

Sello | NPG Records
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Listado de canciones del álbum The Rainbow Children
- Rainbow ChildrenVer letra 10:03
[X]With the accurate understanding of God and His law they went about the work of building a new nation:letra de Rainbow Children
The Rainbow Children
Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise,
Flying upon the wings of the New Translation
See them fly, fly
The covenant will b kept this time
Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise
Rainbow children, it's time 2 rise!
Rainbow children, it's time 2 rise!
As prophesied, the Wise One and his woman were tempted by the Resistor. He, knowing full well the Wise One's love 4 God, assimilated the woman first and only. Quite naturally, chaos ensued and she and 5 others were banished from the rainbow.4ever.
Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise
Flying upon the wings of the New Translation
See them fly, fly
The covenant will b kept this time
Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise
Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise
Flying upon the wings of the New Translation
See them fly, fly
The covenant will b kept this time
Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise
Who is ur real father?
The everlasting one
The one who came from nothing
And yet from this one, everything comes
The one who commands ur momma
With the simple phrase "I am"
And every time that she obeys
She gives birth 2 the Son of Man
Who is this?
Reproduction of the new breed leader/Stand up and organize!
Reproduction of the new breed leader/Stand up and organize!
The Agreement -
With every birth, we keep it so/Never changing one piece of it
In fear of what would unfold/The scales would then become unbalanced
And thus would begin the fall/The sin of one would become
The sin of one and all
Rise, rise, rise.
Rise, Rainbow Children, rise
Rise, Rainbow Children, rise
The Wise One who understood the law that was handed down from God long ago, held fast in his belief that the Lord would bring him another one who loved him so. - Muse 2 the Pharaoh 4:21
- Digital GardenVer letra 4:07
[X]Love, like a rose in bloomletra de Digital Garden
All of the Rainbow Children will feel it soon
To the east, word traveled about this energy
Until it reached the Banished Ones
Who just wanted this love to cease
They now fallen in to
The Resistor's dream
And they built a Digital Garden
Or so it seemed
In this brilliant darkness
So-called angels of light
"Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies"
And all the Rainbow Children
Will stand and fight
For everlasting, everlasting life
For the one who sits on the right
For Him we're willing to do the work
The Banished Ones approaching the palace shouted obscenities.
They tried to confuse the Rainbow Children and dethrone their king.
Using the lies promoted by the whose papers, hellavisions, and scagazines
The Banished Ones constructed a Digital Garden around the palace
That extended throughout the world.
Furthermore they demanded compensation
For their time spent in the palace before the exile.
This was noise! "So be it," said the Wise One,
And gladly obliged with an invisible deed.
The Banished Ones accepted and returned to their place of birth in Mendacity.
As for the Rainbow Children, they began deconstructing the Digital Garden.
Door to door they went in search of those willing to do The Work - The Work, Pt. 1 4:28
- EverywhereVer letra 2:54
[X]"There's a place I want to goletra de Everywhere
Where the milk and honey flow
Without God it wasn't there
Now I feel it everywhere"
When I was lost and couldn't see my way
I used to follow what everybody say
Now I know that it's written in the heart
Now I'm ready, ready to start
Without God it wasn't there
Now I feel it everywhere
We were always meant to be
In paradise eternally
Before the truth I did not care
Now I feel it everywhere
Feel it, feel it everywhere
Feel it, feel it
Can you feel it?
This might good feeling everywhere
We've got so much work to do.
Everywhere - The Sensual EverafterVer letra 2:58
[X]2 all his good brothers the Wise One spoke highly of his Muse, because herletra de The Sensual Everafter
love 4 the one true God was growing with every passing day. So he said, "2
all a good night", sent them 2 bed early and invited his Muse 2 join him in
the Sensual Everafter - MellowVer letra 4:24
[X]Wanna get lost in the mellow Mellow of my mindletra de Mellow
Chop a tree, pay the cost
I rather have a glass of u that's fine
Come on over baby 'round 7
Chill in ur favorite chair
U can watch a tape of this mellow afterparty
Macy and Common were there
Besides, u know... it takes... awhile... 4 me... 2 do... my... hair
Come on get lost in the mellow Mellow
Come on get lost in the mellow Mellow
How's that feel?
Where you wanna eat 2nite baby?
I know this dope spot called one another
Or maybe we might swing by the Egg
The perfect place 2 play house
I could smother u
I just might be runnin' lines
There's just so much u can find
In the mellow of my mind
This rainbow psychedelia
Come and get lost in the Mellow
There ain't nothin' 2 b afraid of
Just u and me in the mellow of my mind
I wanna get lost in the composition of u
Learn the rhythm and play only the notes u want me 2
I'm a good learner and once I understand
I'll stand under u and let u show me how u want ur man 2 b
I could dance 4 u- a little comical minuet
If u desire I'll shed my attire
Anything 2 get u wet.
Shower, my flower?
So much 2 do, so little time
So choose wisely and u can find thee
In the Mellow of my mind
Can I sing 2 u while u bring urself 2 joy?
I'll go slow at first, while u quench ur thirst
Wet circles round the toy
While u bring urself 2 joy
As she fell in2 the Sensual Everafter, out of bodyout of mind,
she stroked her hair a hundred times.
And as she fell deeper in2 the hypnotic unwind, he counted his way in2 the suggestive mind.
Planting a seed that bears fruit on the tree,
he said, "Repeat after me. Repeat after me. Repeat after me. 1+1+1 is 3" - 1+1+1 Is 3Ver letra 5:17
[X]If you ain't got no place to stayletra de 1+1+1 Is 3
Come on baby 'round this way
Stay with me baby
But let me tell you how it's gonna be
There's a theocratic order.
There's a theocratic order now
This is how it's gonna be
If you wanna be with me
Ain't no room for disagree
One+one+one is three
Take you're time and think it through
If this is what you wanna do
I ain't really that hard to please
Cause one+one+one is three
Stroke you're hair a hundred times
Let me see what I can find
Do you know about the order.
Do you know about the order, now?
The banished ones
"We are the banished ones and we have come to dance
If you will not let us, we'll have to kick you're pants!"
Who's that knockin' on are door?
Didn't we throw you out before?
I'm 'bout to get rowdy!
I'm 'bout to get rowdy, now!
Make me wanna do something.
We could be surrounded in the palace
"Everybody wants to get you!"
I don't care
How many y'all just came to dance?
Let me see you shake you're pants
We don't give a duck what you got on
You just need to work that sexy body all night long
Come on
Where them banished ones at?
"Said they 'round the back"
Don't cut 'em no slack
"I'm gon' tap, tap, tap"
But should I keep this party going?
"Brother you know that!"
Moneyapolis, sing-Rainbow Children, raise you're hands
If we can't do it, nobody can!
Here they come y'all
Rally 'round the palace now
You know what we got to do!
How'd that fool get up in here?
Snagglevoice. - DeconstructionVer letra 1:59
[X]One after the other,letra de Deconstruction
The banished ones fled as they watched from
The distance the destruction of the digital garden.
With no more fruit to bear from its trees,
The haze was finally broken.
With the rains came the awareness that never again
Would anyone ever lay claim to the treasures of the Rainbow Children.
As though awakened from a dream,
The muse opened her eyes. This time as queen. - Wedding FeastVer letra 0:54
[X]"Brother dear brother, I came as quickly as I couldletra de Wedding Feast
The Digital Haze is broken,The Banished Ones r gone 4 good, gone 4 good"
Now there must b a wedding
Now there must b a feast
A feast, a feast
A smorgasbord at least
A brunch, a munch
Of cake if just a piece
Not just a vat of chitlins
Or turkey meat u c
We r what we eat
So we must eat a leaf
We'll dine under a tree
Unless it snows! - She Loves Me 4 MeVer letra 2:49
[X]With this one I can b what I wanna bletra de She Loves Me 4 Me
I don't have 2 live up 2 no one's fantasy
I could write another 300 melodies
2 her it's just 3, cuz this one.
She Loves Me 4 Me
With this one I don't even have 2 comb my hair
I can wear what I want 2
Or nothing she don't care
I don't even have 2 take her on the rollercoaster c
Cuz this one, She Loves Me 4 Me
In the morning,
When I rise and c her eyes
Look deep in2 mine
I find a better place
This one I can tell all my secrets 2
I don't have 2 make her swear she would never tell anywho
Besides I'm the only one she ever wants 2 c
Cuz this one, honestly, She Loves Me 4 Me
When the night falls
And she calls
I run 2 her side
Cuz she got the ride I like 2 ride
This one I can take over my momma's house
And I don't have 2 worry what goes in and out her mouth
All she needs is a little gratuity
She don't like no beef, she just loves me 4 me
This one, She Loves Me 4 Me - Family NameVer letra 8:17
[X]Welcome, you have just accessed the akashic records genetic information division.letra de Family Name
This program is required for those wishing to obtain a marriage blessing from the kingdom.
When you wish to begin this program,
Place you're right hand on the scanner
And tightly clench up you're butt cheeks as you might feel a slight electrical shock.
Please select the race history you desire.
You have selected African-American.
This is your history
First of all, the term "black and white" is a fallacy.
It simply is another way of saying "this or that".
Let's examine the term "this or that" in its ultimate form which is:
"This" means the truth or "that which is resistant to it.
When a minority realizes its similarities on a higher level- not just "black"-
But people of color, and higher still "indigenous",
And even higher still, "from the tribe of.",
And yet higher- the "Rainbow Children".
When this understanding comes,
The so-called minority becomes a majority in the wink of an eye.
This action will cause a reaction or resistance.
The source of this resistance must be banished as it is in direct conflict
With the initial action. it cannot be assimilated,
For its very nature is resistance.
In other words, one cannot serve to masters.
You are either "this" or "that" which is not "this".
End of part one.
To continue,
Select the program family name
And type in the current government name you wish history on.
(London, England sometime in the early 1600s)
"We have the god-given right to run out of our colonies
Anyone who does not bow down to our law. hear, hear?"
"Come on, come on keep it moving here.
What's your name boy?"
"Abu cah"
"Well it ain't now; it's Tom Lynch."
Mirror, mirror what you see?
Have I still got those dark clouds over me?
Or am I really feeling what I feel? the last days of the devil's deal
Mirror, what you see?
Devil, devil what you know?
You been here since 1914, but now you got to go
You been hidin' behind corporate eyes
You want to war, but you can't fight
Devil, you got to go
You might say, "what you mad about?"
But you still got you're family name
Pleased to meet you, Mr. Rosenbloom
I'll be John Blackwell just the same
What's you're family name?
Teacher, teacher what you say?
Did we really come over in a boat?
Did it really go down that way?
Or did I arrive before and ruin Thanksgiving Day?
Teacher, what you say?
Preacher, preacher is it true?
That Jesus wants me to give my money to the likes of you?
Ride around in you're Lexus coupe
Drive us to the cleaners in a pinstripe suit
Preacher, that ain't truth!
You might say, "what you mad about?"
But you still got you're family name
Pleased to meet you, Mr. Pearlman
You can call me Clay. Can I play?
People, people what's you're name?
Maybe we should start all over
Let everybody get in the game
Put up a one-gloved fist
Make a sound, violet brown
You might say "what you mad about?"
But you still got you're family name
Pleased to meet you Mr. Goldstruck.
We found this tape in the akashic records. This is Thomas Jefferson
"My fellow Americans, if there is a just God, we're gonna pay for this!"
"Black men and white men, Jews and gentiles,
Protestants and Catholics will be able to join hands
In the words of the old negro spiritual,
"Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!" - The Everlasting NowVer letra 8:18
[X]I knew this dudeletra de The Everlasting Now
He was very cool
He used 2 rule
Until he went 2 school
Not a normal school
That breeds a fool
But the ones that teaches
Men aren't fit to rule
That's when he took his pearly crown
He raised it up and spun it 'round
And tossed in2 the deep blue underground
No longer lead by the ways of men
He looked 4 the kingdom deep within
That's when the drums in his head began 2 pound
Don't let nobody bring u down
Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father
Will bring the Everlasting Now
Join the party, make a sound
Share the truth, preach the good news
Don't let nobody bring u down
The Everlasting Now
Now turn the page, at an early age
This brutha on stage, he was all the rage
He taught an integrated world 2 sing
The color u are don't mean a thing
Everybody's a star all the everyday people sang
He changed the funk, put it in a bag
Then he changed the colors of the flag
But u can't teach a dog new tricks if his tail don't wag
Don't know matter how much money u made
All the cars u got and all the women u laid
Mess with the flag and 2 them u're still a spade
Don't let nobody bring u down
Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father
Will bring the Everlasting Now
Join the party, make a sound
Share the truth, preach the good news
Don't let nobody bring u down
The Everlasting Now
See this girl in her make-believe world
Plastic boobs and clip-on curls
'Round the pole see her big butt twirl
There r the dreams that do unfurl
Never everlasting
Don't let anybody bring u down
The Everlasting Now
Watch that girl in her make-believe world
Plastic boobs and clip-on curls
'Round the pole see her big butt twirl
Electric beaches skin do bake
Vanilla fudge and wedding cake
If u should die b4 u wake
U got any last requests 2 make?
The Everlasting Now
The Everlasting Now
The Everlasting Now
Johnny, B. Well and bring the beat
From this day forward 'til times indefinite, those who love Christ r the
ones who benefit. All the players' ice melted in2 one platinum chain and in
a downward spiral it dropped down the chain.
"U know, this is funky but I wish he'd play like he used 2, old scragglyhead."
Don't let nobody bring u down
Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father
Will bring the Everlasting Now
Join the party, come on make a sound
Share the truth, preach the good news
Don't let nobody bring u down
The Everlasting Now
The Everlasting Now
The Everlasting Now
The Everlasting Now
Now, now, now
The Everlasting Now - Last DecemberVer letra 7:57
Músicos invitados: Larry Graham (Bass [Bazz])[X]If ur Last December cameletra de Last December
What would u do?
Would anybody remember
2 remember u?
Did u stand tall?
Or did u fall?
Did u give ur all?
Did u ever find a reason
Y u had 2 die?
Or did u just plan on leaving
Without wondering y?
Was it everything it seemed?
Or did it feel like a dream?
Did u feel redeemed?
In the name of the Father
In the name of the Son
We need 2 come 2gether
Come 2gether as one
Did u love somebody
But got no love in return?
Did u understand the real meaning of love?
That it just is and never yearns?
When the truth arrives
Will u b lost on the other side?
Will u still b alive?
In the name of the Father
In the name of the Son
We need 2 come 2gether
Come 2gether as one
In ur life did u just give a little
Or did u give all that u had?
Were us just somewhere in the middle?
Not 2 good, not 2 bad?
In the name of the Father
In the name of the Son
We need 2 come 2gether
Come 2gether as ONE