Álbum LotusFlow3r de Prince - Canciones

2009 |

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Disco 1
- Here Eye Come 4:28
- All This Love 4:39
- Home 4:26
- Something U Already Know 5:43
- Everytime 3:50
- 2nite 5:02
- Another Boy 3:55
- Kept Woman 4:15
- Immersion 4:02
- Elixer 4:00
Disco 2
- From the Lotus... 2:46
- BoomVer letra 3:18
[X]What if another universeletra de Boom
Complete with sun and moon
An entire galaxy and what's worse
U and eye 2 soon
Find each other xpanding beyond this dirty room
Butterscotch mountains
Son shine
Run ur fingers up and down the
Obelisk in the earth
Down 2 33 rmps where
The primordial gives birth
Or else we lie neck high you and eye
In one another's ooze
Volcano magic
Summer time
Everybody knows what happens
When you worship from afar
The ebb and flow of angels
Dancing around the star
And if the sunrise is still a question
The answer's in the dark
Canopy - Crimson and CloverVer letra 3:51
[X]Ouh uuuhletra de Crimson and Clover
Come on
I don't hardly know her
But I think I could love her
I hope she walks over
Cuz I've been waiting to show her
Crimson and Clover
Over and over
Baby, I think I love you
I want to know for sure
Come here and stick it to me one time
You move me
Such a sweet thing
Makes me want to sing
What a beautiful feeling
Crimson and clover
Over and over
Baby I, I think I love you
But I want to know for sure
O come here, stick it to me one time
Ah .. you don't move me (?)
Look up! - 4everVer letra 3:47
[X]If eye never get 2 hold ur handletra de 4ever
If eye never get 2 b ur man
That's ok cuz eye've got other plans
Right now, right now
If eye never get 2 kiss ur lips
If eye never get 2 feel ur hips
Close 2 me
That's ok eye ain't gonna trip
Not now no how
Cuz eye'vv for
Eternity is just one kiss away
So they say
The opera, jill scott or the fair
Cyprus, if eye never get 2 take you swimming there
If you never know how much eye care
Eye swear
It's not fair
If eye never get 2 make you laugh
If we never get 2 take a bubble bath
Eye don't wanna part with you
Not 2night
If you gonna b a part of my past
Eye just want 4ever
Eternity is just one kiss away
So many things
We can do in the new world
Eye can b ur future lover
U can b my future girl
If eye never get 2 c ur smile
Underneath the white veil
Walkin' up the aisle
Eye just might go crazy
Eye might go wild
So stop lookin at me like that
Unless you want me 2 bite that
Eternity is just one kiss away
A million 2morrows
Is better than one day
4ever - Colonized MindVer letra 4:47
[X]Upload: the evolution principalletra de Colonized Mind
U c a rock on the shore and say
"it's always been there"
Download: no responsibility
Do what you want nobody cares
Upload: the master race idea
Genetically disposed 2 rule the world
Download: a future full of isolated
Full of isolated boys and girls
Upload: a 2-party system
The lesser of 2 dangers
Illusion of choice
Download: a veiled form of fascism
Nothing really ever changes
U never had a voice
If you look, ur sure gonna find
Thruout mankind's history
A colonized mind
The one in power makes law
Under which the colonized fall
But without god it's just the blind leading the blind
Upload: a joint venture record deal
It's just another way 4 the man 2 steal
While he's sticking you with the bill
Download: the temporary acquisition of fleeting fame and fortune
Nothing 2 leave in ur will
Upload: a child with no father
Download: no respect 4 authority
Upload: a child with no mother
Download: a hard time showing love
If you look, ur sure gonna find
Thruout mankind's history
A colonized mind
The one in power makes laws
Under which the colonized fall
But without god
It's just the blind leading the blind - Feel Good, Feel Better, FeelWonderful 3:52
- Love Like JazzVer letra 3:49
[X]Hey baby what's ur name?letra de Love Like Jazz
Do you wanna play a game?
Play it like we don't know when
We'll ever get 2 play again
Xperimental and so brand new
The things eye wanna do with you
Like a physical kind of blue
Come on baby let's get 2 it
Eye want a lover that can improvise
Eye want a lover that can make me cry
Baby eye don't care what you learned in lovemaking school
U and me we 'bout 2 jam
Make love like the first woman and man
Eye don't wanna know ahead of time
The notes you play should b a
Reaction 2 mine
Nothing planned or contrived
Then both of us will arrive
At r destination
Eye wanna feel like eye've been hypnotized
If you think you can then let's go 4 a ride
Love like jazz... love like jazz... love like jazz - 77 Beverly Park 3:04
- Wall of BerlinVer letra 4:16
[X]Where am eye?letra de Wall of Berlin
In a universe of paradoxical design
Reality o merely in the mind
In my head or in some german town
She said "u want a 4 leaf clover
In the round?"
Ain't superstitious
And eye don't believe in luck
But eye heard the thunder
B4 the lightning struck
Couldn't read the writing
Cuz it was so small
But according 2 the document she got on the wall
She gets down like the wall of berlin
Eye come round about a quarter 2 ten
We just met or at least we pretend
It's so fresh knockin' down
The wall of berlin
Where am eye?
A galaxy of monumental delight
Or parallel hologram copyright
The call comes unexpected
Like a mugger in a park
And the sound of the train interrupts the ?
Is that the queen of sheba
Or an alien dream?
The marks on the table say
Somewhere in between
Not one 4 rituals
But one thing eye have found
Everything's better when you come around
She gets down like the wall of berlin
Eye come round about a quarter 2 ten
We just met or at least we pretend
It's so fresh knockin' down
The wall of berlin - $Ver letra 3:57
[X]Here she come, the most popular girlletra de $
In the whole wide world 2day
U don't know if she would but what's good if she'd some & look ur
U're standing over there tryin' 2 b gangsta coppin' ur favorite lean
U give her the head nod
O my god you're the craziest thing
She's ever seen but ur
And she's loving you all night long
In ur little world she's ur best girl
It's all money
Ain't nothing wrong
Ur dancing and she's loving you all night long
Funky dolla bill it's real you'all
Easy come, easy gone
Where you go everybody wanna know
So they can put it in a magazine
Next 2 the ad 4 the latest fad
In black hair care - vaseline
With this car these rims this grill you'll b
The illest on the scene
Whatever whatever all you need is ur music
And you'll b a party machine and you'll b
How many times you look 4 happy
And you never c the rich folx there?
But if the dj really dropped a needle all the tru players just don't
When all the news just gimme the blues and make you wanna pop a pill
What difference does it make who gots the most bank, it's just ink and
Pawns aside who's the king the 2 and 4
Wit hot sauce from the bay 2 baltimore
Take ur woman 4 she hit the front door
And whoop ur whole crew cuz they fat and slow
Dancing loving you all night long
It's all money ain't nothing wrong
Dancing loving you all night long
Easy come easy gone - DreamerVer letra 5:30
[X]Eye was born & raised on the same plantationletra de Dreamer
In the united states of the red, white and blue
Eye never knew that eye was different
Til dr. king was on the balcony
Lying in a bloody pool
Expected so much more from a loving society
A truthful xplanation but you know what?
Eye got another conspiracy
If it was just a dream... call me
Call me a dreamer 2
With more rewards & accolades
Than anyone b4 or after
21st century, oh what a shame
That race still matters
A race 2 what and where we going?
We r in the same boat
But eye'm the only one rowin
Last time eye checked you were sleepin'
...but you can call me a dreamer 2
Peanut butter logic served on a bed of lies
Don't go down 2 easy
When you see ur father cryin'
Have you ever clutched the steering wheel
Of ur car 2 tight?
Prayin' that the police sirens
Pass you by at night?
While the helicopter circles
& the theory's getting deep
Thing they're spraying chemicals over the city
While we sleep?
From now on eye'm staying awake...
So you can call me a dreamer 2
Wake up wake up - ...Back 2 the LotusVer letra 5:34
[X]From a lotus flowerletra de ...Back 2 the Lotus
Somewhere in the South Pacific corner of my studio
From up in the clouds, the enemy of your seed
Performs a righteous deed
It looks a little gray to the atmosphere
That's been corrupted by the impure
Cleansing all the airways
Don't fret
It's done at this point
How are the plants?
And the lotus flower
Somewhere in the South Pacific
Corner of my studio
Disco 3
- (There'll Never B) Another Like Me 6:01
- Chocolate BoxVer letra 6:13
[X]So, what's the deal, y you frontin' keep it realletra de Chocolate Box
Do you wanna get funky with me?
If you think eye got something that you want,
Suga nothin' here comes 4 free
Eye been around this way
Got lost and found
Lemme c if you remember my name
U can try 2 get it but eye can't let you hit it
Cuz you never gon' b the same
Eye got a box a chocolates
That'll rock the sox of any
Girl that wanna come my way
And eye ain't got no time 2 waste
If she ain't makin' bank and scared of
What a brutha got 2 say
She want the b-o-x-a-chocolate everyday
So what's the deal r you sportin' some wheels
Or r you ridin' in a limousine?
This ain't prom night and eye don't wanna
Fight so you betta get ur dirty clean
Eye hear ur words goin' up and down ur
Skirt ur gonna get a chance 2 prove it
U best believe if you wanna get wit me
It takes a real woman 2 do it
[Chorus (q-tip)]
So what's the deal r you gay or poppin' pills?
Y you still wanna take my hand?
This discotech is 'bout 2 make me a wreck
My feet r singin' louder than the band
Eye c you got the feelin'
Flashin' lights up on the ceiling
Say you gotta get ur weekend now
What difference does it make?
U know you can't make chocolate cake
If ain't nobody ever showed you how
[Chorus x2]
She want the b-o-x-a-chocolate everyday - Dance 4 MeVer letra 4:58
[X][Chorus]letra de Dance 4 Me
Eye like it when you dance cuz it gets me hot
Eye like it when you shake everything you got
Eye like it when you dance cuz it's so sexy
Eye like it when you dance 4 me
Eye like it when you think eye'm all alone
Ur the voice eye hear from the telephone
Tellin me all ur deepest fantasies
Eye like it when you dance 4 me...hallelujah
Eye like it when eye hear a knock
On my door
U r standing there in ur christian dior
Dark sunglasses in the pale moonlight
Eye like it when the scene is right
U can take ur wrap and lay it on the chair
If anybody finds it eye don't care
What we do 2gether makes history
Eye like it when you dance 4 me
Ur flamenco eyes r all like jazz
With every other sip of what's in ur glass
The sexier you get
The more ur in2 my stash
Eye like it when you dance for me
(dance... dance 4 me... dance... dance 4 me)
[Chorus x2]
Dance... dance... eye like it when you dance 4 me - U're Gonna C Me 4:36
- HereVer letra 5:15
[X]How beautiful r u? there's more thanletra de Here
A thousand replies
Could it b ur lips or ur golden eyes?
When eye think of an answer
That's when eye get so surprised
Another wonder of the world realized
That's y
Eye just don't want you here
Eye just don't want you near me baby
Cuz eye'm scared eye'll cry
And live you like crazy
Flying above all fears
Eye haven't seen any tears, not lately
Eye don't wanna land not even maybe
How desperate am eye?
Eye wonder if you r what keeps me alive
Alone eye can't get as high
Even tho eye've tried
It's different when u're grown
The wine don't taste the same
When u're alone
The size of the bed now seems like
The biggest that eye've ever known
There's so much more 4 you and me 2 explore
Ooh baby baby
When you walk thru that door
Eye am gonna give you what u're waiting 4
Baby lemme break this down
Eye am gonna say this once
Then eye am gonna leave this town
If you can learn 2 open ur eyes under water
Then you and me won't drown
Without each other
Eue promise eye'll c you on the other side
Just believe in me and trust this ride
Eye am so sincere right now
Eye just...
Eye just want you here
Eye just want you near me baby
Eye'm scared eye'll cry
And love you like crazy
Eye'm flying above all fears
Eye haven't seen any tears not lately, no
Eye don't wanna land, not even maybe
Donny hathaway's "song 4 u" ain't the same
Without you
Here - ValentinaVer letra 3:59
[X]Hey valentina tell ur mamaletra de Valentina
She should give me a call
When she get tired of runnin'
After you down the hall
B4 you came on2 the scene it was a hollywood mess
Ur mama was a movie queen
She was one of the best
Every boy had the hots 4 her,
Around the world even girls adored her
Mexican bombshell
Come 2 conquer the west
Hey valentina tell ur mama
She should give me a call
When she get tired of runnin'
After you down the hall
And she's all worn out
From those late night feedings
And she ready 4 another
Rock 'n roll meeting
Oh valentina tell ur mama
She should give me a call
Ur uncle sam used 2 hold it down
Every day
Watch the bootyguards
Scarecrow the buzzards away
Like an aeroplane the time flies over
So many guys they couldn't get
Ur sweet little mama 2 stay
Curvier than
A fender stratocaster guitar...
Reality bender... from no greencard
2 superstar
Broken up slang even when
The king of hollywood ain't that tall
Sho as betty's ugly
Ur mama's bigger than 'em all
Hey valentina
Tell ur mama she should call up mia
In advance
If penelope wants 2 cruz
There ain't no way that we ain't gon dance
Tell ur mama should should give me a call
That's all - Better with TimeVer letra 4:54
[X]This might seem strangeletra de Better with Time
Since so much time has passed
And since only one of us
Still looks the same
Ur words not mine, baby
Ur still fine yes you r
Like wine, you get better with time
So young and so naive
That eye never once believed
That the memory of you would go thru
Like wind goes thru the trees
Maybe if you believe baby
That eye would no deceive you
U and eye side by side or somewhere
In between
Eye don't know if this is a bore
But eye just can no longer ignore
This fact so sublime
U get better with time
Anyone who's met you agrees
That no one 4gets you most of all not me
U can claim u're humble and hide
But when it's true my dear
It's not pride
A jury of my peers would find me
Guilty of so many crimes
If eye chose not 2 remind you
That you get better with time
This might seem absurd
2 someone so cultured
And 2 one who would grace any stage
When the hair that frames that face
Dark brown or silvery lace
What is age but a cage? never mind
U'll b blind 2 not know that you get better with time - Ol' Skool Company 7:30
- No More Candy 4 UVer letra 4:14
[X]9 out of 10 mortals agree 2day; 2 much fame causes spiritual decayletra de No More Candy 4 U
2 all the punx who believe life imitates music
No more candy 4 you we can't hang with you
2 all the punx who wanna b rock stars and do what they do
There's no future 4 you that's the life of a fool
No more candy, no more candy 4 you we're 2 funky and you can't handle r groove
2 all the freax in the magazines who never paid no dues
No more candy 4 you u can't sing it's true
2 all the freax walking in2 walls somebody put a spell on you
No more candy 4 you eye guess the devil got a brand new fool
2 all the haterz on the internet somebody's lookin' at you
No more candy 4 you they got ur number now, fool
2 all the suckerz winning anything and thanking the lord 4 what
They do
No more candy 4 you no more candy 4 you
Eye am 2 funky and you can't handle my groove.