Álbum Musicology de Prince - Canciones

2004 |

Sello | NPG Records
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Listado de canciones del álbum Musicology
- MusicologyVer letra 4:26
[X]Heard about the party nowletra de Musicology
Just east o' Harlem
Dougie's gonna b there
But u got 2 call him
Even the soldiers
Need a break sometimes
Listen 2 the groove ya'll
Let it unwind ur mind
No intoxication
Unless u c what eye c
Dancin hot n' sweaty
Right in font of me
Call it what u like
I'm gonna call it how it b
This is just another one
Of God's gifts
Keep that party movin
Just like eye told you
Kick the old school joint
4 the true funk soldiers
Wish eye had a dollar
4 everytime u say
Don't u miss the feeling
Music gave ya
Back in the day?
Let's Groove
Earth, Wind and Fire
Hot Pants by James
Sly's gonna take u higher
Minor keys and drugs
Don't make a rollerskate jam
Take ur pick - turntable or a band?
If it ain't Chuck D
or Jam Master Jay
Know what?
They're losin'
'Cause we got a PhD in
Advanced Body Movin'
Keep the party movin'
Just like eye told u
Kick the old school joint
4 the true funk soldiers
Musicology - Illusion, Coma, Pimp & Circumstance 4:46
- A Million DaysVer letra 3:50
[X]It's only been a hour since you left meletra de A Million Days
But it feels like a million days
If I had a magic wand I could turn back time
I'd never let you go away
I didn't have the heart to say I'm sorry
Now I haven't got a heart at all
I could tolerate the pain if I could talk to my best friend
But you won't even call
I'm contemplating pulling out my suitcase
And packing everything I own
I didn't back then but I do know now
Wherever you are is home
I'll crawl on my belly and beg you
But you're so far away
You've only been gone for an hour
But it seems like a million days
It's only been a hour since you left me
I wish I had somebody to blame
But you're the perfect picture of what love should look like
And I want to be you're frame
It's only been a hour but it feels like a million days
A million days
One hundred thousand million days
Come home, come home baby
I can't take this no more
Well, come home baby oh yeah
Baby, I know I shouldn't put my faith in heroes
But I can't see you any other way
It's only been a hour since you left me girl
Feels like a million, feels like a million days
Come home baby - Life O' the Party 4:29
- Call My NameVer letra 5:15
Músicos invitados: Chance Howard (Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vox]), Kip Blackshire (Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vox]), Stokley Williams (Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vox]), Clare Fischer (Strings [String Samples])[X]Call, call my nameletra de Call My Name
Call it, call my name
I heard your voice this morning calling out my name
It had been so long since I heard it that it didn't sound quite the same, no
But it let me know that my name had never really been spoken before
Before the day I carried you through the bridal path door
And ever since that day I haven't wanted anyone but you
And anybody who really knows me knows the truth
I just can't stop writing songs about you
I love you so much
I just can't wait to get my arms around you
And feel your touch
If I don't see you real soon baby girl
I might go insane
I know it's only been about 3 hours
But I love it when you call my name
I heard a voice on the news saying people want to stop the war
If they had a love as sweet as you they'd forget what they were fighting for
What's the matter with the world today?
The land of the free? Somebody lied
They can bug my phone and people 'round my home
They'll only see you and me making love inside
I've never seen the moon look so lovely as the night I saw it with you
It let me know I'd never seen the moon before
So many speak of the moon as though it had no flaws
But to compare it to a beauty like yours would give one pause
Nothing about you is false, that's why your love is real
God forbid if you belonged to another I'd have to steal you
I'd have to take you from your man
I might be tempted to break the law round here
Because your beauty, it gives one pause
It slows me down
[Chorus] - Cinnamon GirlVer letra 3:56
Músicos invitados: Candy Dulfer (Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vox]), Chance Howard (Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vox]), Rhonda Smith (Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vox])[X]As war drums beat in Babylonletra de Cinnamon Girl
Cinnamon girl starts to pray
I've never heard a prayer like this 1
Never before that day
Tearful words of love for people she had never met before
Asking God to grant them mercy in this face of a holy war
Cinnamon Girl
Cinnamon Girl of mixed heritage
Never knew the meaning of color lines
Nine one one turned that all around
When she got accused of this crime
So began the mass illusion, war on terror alibi
What's the use when the god of confusion keeps on telling the same lie?
Cinnamon Girl
Don't cry, don't shed no tears
1 night won't make us feel
Cause we know how this movie's ending
Cinnamon Girl
As war drums beat in Babylon
And scorch the blood red sky
Militants bomb the foreign gun
Both sides truly die
Cinnamon girl opens the book she knows will settle all the scores
Then she prays after the war that there will not be anymore
Cinnamon Girl - What Do U Want Me 2 Do?Ver letra 4:15
[X]I see U picked me out from the crowdletra de What Do U Want Me 2 Do?
Could it be the way I play guitar?
Master of the soft, not 2 loud
One day, maybe I will be a star
I see U picked me out like U want something
But shame on U, baby, can't U see this ring?
What do U want me 2 do, girl?
What do U want me 2 do, babe?
What do U want me 2 do, girl?
What do U want me 2 do, babe?
I got a woman, U got a man
So we got 2 do what's right
I said U'd get beheaded in other lands
If I were in your arms 2night
Quit tryin' 2 get me under that icy plunder
Boy, oh boy, what a scare, ooh
U picked me out of the crowd
And ooh, just so bold and so proud
And dressed like U want everybody 2 just say, "Wow!
Didn't her mama teach her better?"
Ow, dressed like that, somebody gon' get her
I see U picked me from the crowd
Could it be the way I play guitar?
Master of the soft, not 2 loud
I don't ever really wanna be where U are, where U are, no
What do U want me 2 do, girl?
Tell me, what do U want me 2 do, babe?
What do U want me 2 do, girl?
Tell me, tell me, what do U want me 2 do, babe?
I ain't tryin' 2 do that
What do U want me 2 do, girl? - The Marrying KindVer letra 2:49
[X]If U leave her nowletra de The Marrying Kind
Ur never gonna 2 c her again - Never
Now she's gonna need a shoulder 2 cry on
She's gonna need a friend
She's gonna need a pillow case - something 2 put those tears on
And Eye've got some purple satin lacys
1 second later than the second U gone
She' gonna miss U at first
But then she's gonna buy me things
That's when Eye'm gonna lay her
'cross my piano stool and sing 2 her
Honey, Eye tried 2 tell him
That U were the marrying kind
A faithful 1-man-woman
The best he would ever find
Eye guess he wasn't trying 2 hear that
So there ain't nothing left 2 say
Eye tried 2 tell him if U run 2 me
Eye won't run away
If U leave her now
U'll never get another glimpse
Eye'm going 2 lace her with enough ice to recap the polls
There might b another solar eclipse
She's gonna find:
:bath water hot enough 2 b touched (oh, man. porkchop is hurtin')
Eye'm gonna put her on the same diet Missy went on
U know she eat 2 much
Tonight, she's gonna miss U at first
But then she'll get used 2 me
All of the tricks Eye would try
2 make her take this ring and make love 2 me
Run away
Don't run away - If Eye Was the Man in Ur LifeVer letra 3:09
[X][Chorus:]letra de If Eye Was the Man in Ur Life
If Eye was the man in your life
Eye'd make U happy
Eye'd treat U right
Eye'd buy U flowers every single day
Eye'd Give U power
Eye'd do whatever U say
Eye heard a rumor that Ur man he said he'd do U wrong
and Ur so vain Ud think that Ur the 1 behind this song
Sure U know he got plenty lyrics, yeah, up his sleeve
and after he got what he want he just go up and leave
and sunday chocolate on the roof right after his game
he like the Lakers but the Sixers on when he came
If he's with another now U best believe the party's crackin
Ur getting played girl, U better get your mack on
and do onto others as they do onto U
U call me on the day that U and him r just 2 through
was it U that Eye saw outside the liquor store
waiting on that fool 2 purchase what Ud been dying 4?
and b4 Eye c U drop a spill Eye have 2 bring U down
now U got that chocolate barracuda hangin' round
hangin' round your neck like a cheap gold chain
he don't deserve 2 say that he ever knew Ur name
much less he get 2 smell the perfume Eye gave U
please don't tell me that U all got down
better do onto others as they do onto U
U call me on the day that U and him r just 2 through
[Chorus] - On the CouchVer letra 3:33
[X]Come on baby.. ooh, ooh, oohletra de On the Couch
Don't make me sleep on the couch
No.. No.. No..
Love jones is on the TV again, baby
Ooh, I wanna go down south - yeah
Come on baby
Come on baby
Its so undignified to sleep alone
O yes it is
That's what all the people ain't got nobody do
U know they do
Talkin' (talkin') on the telephone
Don't make me crash
Don't U do it baby
(Don't U do it, uh-uh)
Don't make me sleep without ur kiss
O darlin' without ur kiss (Don't U make me do it)
Tossin' and a-turnin'
Every inch of me yearnin'
Don't u make me
Don't u make me
Don't u make me
Don't u make me
Don't u make me
Don't u make me
Don't u make me
Don't u make me
Suffer for this
I know, I know, I know, I know that
We agreed to be married (U know I know)
Shouldn'ta let me unzip ur dress
Y'd U do it, baby (Y'd u do it) o yeah
confess u tease
unless u please me
Don't make me sleep on the couch - Dear Mr. ManVer letra 4:14
Músicos invitados: Rhonda Smith (Bass), Renato Neto (Keyboards [Rhodes]), Sheila E. (Shaker)[X]What's wrong with the world today?letra de Dear Mr. Man
Things just got to get better
Sho' ain't what the leaders say
Maybe we should write a letter
Dear Mr. Man
We don't understand
Why poor people keep struggling
But you don't lend a helping hand
Matthew 5:5 say,
The meek shall inherit the earth
We wanna be down that way
But you been tripping since the day of you're birth
Who said that to kill is a sin
Then started every single war
That you're people been in?
Who said that water
Is a precious commodity
Then dropped a big old black oil slick
In the deep blue sea?
Who told me, Mr. Man
That working round the clock
Would buy me a big house in the 'hood
With cigarette ads on every block
Who told me Mr. Man
That I got a right to moan?
How 'bout this big ol' hole in the ozone?
What's wrong with the world today
Things just got to get better
Dear Mr. Man, we don't understand
Maybe we should write a letter
Listen, ain't no sense in voting
Same song with a different name
Might not be in the back of the bus
But it sho' feel just the same
Ain't nothin' fair about welfare
Ain't no assistance in AIDS
Ain't nothing affirmative about you're actions
Till the people get paid
You're thousand years are up
Now you got to share the land
Section one, the fourteenth Amendment says:
No state shall deprive any person
Of life, liberty, or property
Without due process of law
Mr. Man,
We want to end this letter with 3 words
"We tired you all!" - ReflectionVer letra 3:04
[X]2 sevens togetherletra de Reflection
Like time, indefinite
Trying 2 catch the glass
b4 it falls
Without a frown
Can U turn up the stereo?
Eye wanna play U this old song about love (is it about love?)
Can Eye do that?
Did we remember 2 water the plants today?
Eye 4got 2 look up at the moon because
Eye was 2 busy, said Eye was 2 busy
Eye was 2 busy
Looking at you babe
Still it's nice 2 know
That, uh when bodies wear out
We can get another
What does that 1 thing have 2 do with the other 1?
Eye don't know
Eye was just thinking about my mother
U know what
Turn the stereo back down
Ain't nothing worse than an old worn out love song
Tell me do you like my hair this way
Remember all the way back in the day
When we would compare who's afro was the roundest
Mirrored tiles above the bed
Fishing nets and posters all over the wall
Oh yes, sometimes
Sometimes Eye just wanna go sit out on the stool
And uh... play my guitar
Just watch all... all the cars go by...
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