Álbum Echoes of Sufi Dances de Franco Battiato - Canciones

Echoes of Sufi Dances
1985 |

Estilo(s) | Pop Rock,Synth-pop
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Listado de canciones del álbum Echoes of Sufi Dances
- Up Patriots to armsVer letra 5:22
[X]La fantasia dei popoli che è giunta fino a noiletra de Up Patriots to arms
non viene dalle stelle...
alla riscossa stupidi che i fiumi sono in piena
potete stare a galla.
E non è colpa mia se esistono carnefici
se esiste l'imbecillità
se le panchine sono piene di gente che sta male.
Up patriots to arms, Engagez-Vous
la musica contemporanea, mi butta giù.
L'ayatollah Khomeini per molti è santità
abbocchi sempre all'amo
le barricate in piazza le fai per conto della borghesia
che crea falsi miti di progresso
Chi vi credete che noi siam, per i capelli che portiam,
noi siamo delle lucciole che stanno nelle tenebre.
Up ecc...
L'Impero della musica è giunto fino a noi
carico di menzogne
mandiamoli in pensione i direttori artistici
gli addetti alla cultura...
e non è colpa mia se esistono spettacoli
eon fumi e raggi laser
se le pedane sono piene
di scemi che si muovono.
Up ecc... - No Time No SpaceVer letra 3:25
[X]Parlami dell' esistenza di mondi lontanissimiletra de No Time No Space
di civiltà sepolte di continenti alla deriva.
Parlami dell'amore che si fà in mezzo agli uomini
di viaggiatori anomali in territori mistici...di più.
Seguimmo per istinto le scie delle Comete
come Avanguardie di un altro sistema solare.
No Time No Space another Race of Vibrations
the Sea of the Simulation
keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight.
Controllori di volo pronti per il decollo.
Telescopi giganti per seguire le stelle
navigare navigare nello spazio nello spazio... di più.
No Time No Space
another Race of Vibrations
the Sea of the Simulation
keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight. - Chan-son egocentrique 4:12
- The King of the WorldVer letra 3:27
[X]Strange how the rumble of fighter planes onceletra de The King of the World
Disturbed the rhythm of the balconies' plants
And after silence then far away
The sudden cannon's roar.
And from the radio signals in code
One day in heaven fires of Bengala
Peace came back again
Yet the king of the world
Keeps our hearts enchained.
In the full white dresses
Echeos of Sufi dances
In Japan's undergrounds today
Oxygen machines;
The more all becomes useless
The more we believe it's true
And in the final days
English will not help.
And on our bicycles heading for home
Life brushed us
Yet the king of the world
Keeps our hearts enchained. - Temporary roadVer letra 2:47
[X]I' m looking for someone a miracleletra de Temporary road
To send my life in the curved air
I' m a lonely boy steppin' out
solitary man... j dont understand.
Life can be short or long
tomorrow is another day
I' m livin' underground like a teddy boy
I cross the Rainbow.
Migliaia di prigionieri immobili
seduti sulle macchine ai semafori
quando non c' è traffico per le vie del centro
solitario me ne vò per la città.
L' aria calma dei di di festa
scende dalle scale verso me
vigilesse all'erta come teddy boys
per divieto di sosta
danno sempre le multe.
Da una chiesa qui vicino
suona una campana din don dan. - Lover's season 3:46
- I want to see you as a dancerVer letra 3:28
[X]I want to see you as a dancerletra de I want to see you as a dancer
Like the desert gypsy women
Whit candelabras on their heads
Or like the balineses
on their holidays
I want to see you as a dancer
Like dervishes tourneurs
Who twist around around their back-bones
To the sound of ankle bracelets of Katakali
The walls are turning turning all around us
As we are dancing
The walls are turning turning all around us
As we are dancing
And radio Tirana's playing
Music fro Balkan
For Bulgarian dancers
With bare feet they dance on burning embers
In the oriental island
In sunny summer dance halls
Couples of old folks are dancing
To a rhythm in seven-eight
The walls are turning turning all around us
As we are dancing
The walls are turning turning all around us
As we are dancing
In the rhythm of the heath
-the key
Of old tribal magical rites
Kingdoms of the Shamans
And rebel players on the road again
Down across the plainlands
In sunny summer dance halls
Couples of old folks are dancing
A classical Viennese waltz - The trains of TozeurVer letra 3:08
[X]In the frontier villages theyletra de The trains of Tozeur
Watch the trains pass by so slowly
And roads are deserted in Tozeur.
From a house far away
Your mother observes me
And she remembers me
For my very special ways
Then for just a moment my longing
To live at another pace begins to waken in me.
Still they pass, still very slowly
the trains for Tozeur.
In the churches, God-forsaken,
Shelters are being prepared and new ships,
For trips among the stars
In an old empty mine,
Vast stretches of salt
And a memory of me
Like into a magic spell;
Then for just a moment my longing
To live at another pace begins to waken in me;
Still they pass, still very slowly
The trains for Tozeur.
In the frontier villages
They watch the trains pass by
For Tozeur - The animalVer letra 3:17
[X]Living life is not too hardletra de The animal
If I can be born again
Many things could be chenged now
A bit of lightness
And less stupidity
Faking, you're good at faking
When you are close to me
You always tell me I'm right
And I'd like to tell you
That I feel better
Yes but the animal which is inside me
Won't let me live in happiness again
He takes all, the coffee too
He renders me a slave of all my passions
He never does give up
He doesn't want to wait
And still the animal which is inside me
Wants you.
Inside me signs of fire
And water often quenches them
If you want them to burn
You leave them in the air
Or let them be on earth.