Álbum Somewhere in England de George Harrison - Canciones

Somewhere in England
1981 |

Sello | Dark Horse Records
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Listado de canciones del álbum Somewhere in England
- Blood from a CloneVer letra 3:58
[X]They say they like it, now, but in the market itletra de Blood from a Clone
May not go well as it's too laid back.
You need some oomph-papa, nothing like
Frank Zappa
And not new wave they don't play that crap
Try beating your head on a brick wall
Hard like a stone
Don't have time for the music
They want the blood from a clone
I hear a clock ticking
I feel the nitpicking
I almost quit kicking at the wall
There seems a confusion, under the illusion
That they know just what will suit you all
Beating my head on a brick wall
Hard like a stone
Ain't got time for the music
They want the blood from a clone
There is no sense to it
Pure pounds and pence to it
They're so intense too makes me amazed
Don't want no music but, they're making you
Sick with some awful noises that may get played
By beating their heads on a brick wall
Hard like a stone
Ain't no messing round with music
Give them the blood from a clone
Where will it all lead us
I thought we had freed us
From the mundane seems I'm wrong again
Could be they lack roots, they're still wearing Jack boots
They're marching somewhere in the pouring rain
Beating my head on a brick wall
Hard like a stone
Don't have time for the music
They want the blood from a clone - Unconsciousness Rules 3:04
- Life ItselfVer letra 4:24
[X]You are the Oneletra de Life Itself
You are my love
You send the rain and bring the sun
You stand alone and speak the truth
You are the breath of life itself, oh yes you are
You are the One
You're in my dream
I hold you there in high esteem
I need you more each step I take
You are the love in life itself, oh yes you are
You are the One
You are the one that I'd die for
And you're all that is real
You are the essence of that which
We taste, touch and feel
You are the One
No matter what
You are the real love that I've got
You are my friend and when life's through
You are the light in death itself, oh yes you are
You are the One
They call you Christ, Vsnu, Buddha, Jehovah,
Our Lord
You are, Govindam, Bismillah, Creator of All
You are the One
No matter what
You are the real love that I've got
You are my friend and when life's through
You are the light in death itself, oh yes are
You are the One
You are my love
You send the rain and bring the sun
You stand alone and speak the truth
You are the breath of life itself, oh yes you are
You are the breath of life itself, oh yes you are
You are the One - All Those Years AgoVer letra 3:43
[X]I'm shouting all about loveletra de All Those Years Ago
While they treated you like a dog
When you were the one who had made it
So clear
All those years ago.
I'm talking all about how to give
They don't act with much honesty
But you point the way to the truth when you say
All you need is love.
Living with good and bad
I always look up to you
Now were left cold and sad
By someone the devils best friend
Someone who offended all.
Were living in a bad dream
Theyve forgotten all about mankind
And you were the one they backed up to
The wall
All those years ago
You were the one who imagined it all
All those years ago.
Deep in the darkest night
I send out a prayer to you
Now in the world of light
Where the spirit free of the lies
And all else that we despised.
Theyve forgotten all about god
Hes the only reason we exist
Yet you were the one that they said was
So weird
All those years ago
You said it all though not many had ears
All those years ago
You had control of our smiles and our tears
All those years ago - Baltimore OrioleVer letra 3:57
Letras: Paul Francis Webster[X]Baltimore orioleletra de Baltimore Oriole
Took one look at that mercury, forty below
No life for a lady
To be draggin her feathers around in the snow
Leaving me blue, off she flew
To the tangipaho - down in louisiana
Where a two - timin jaybird
Met the divine miss o
Id like to ruffle his plumage
That baltimore oriole
Messed around with that big guy
Till he singed her wings
Forgivin is easy - its a woman like, now and then
Could happen to thing
Send her back home
Home aint home without her warbling
How she can sing
Make a lonely man happy, baltimore oriole
Come down from that bough
Fly to your daddy now - TeardropsVer letra 4:04
[X]Teardrops - I've had my share of crying bucketsletra de Teardrops
Full of
Teardrops - so hard to take - I got a soaking
With those
Teardrops - and it feels like I have taken over from
The rain.
In the heart of the lonely man
In and out of love more often where most others can
He walks the streets like the losers in some
Lovers game
He talks so sweet but the news is always much
The same.
Teardrops - I've had my share of crying buckets
Full of
Teardrops - so hard to take - I got a soaking
With those
Teardrops - and it feels like I have taken over from
The rain.
In the eyes of the lonely one
Everything is cold and hopeless that he looks
He needs a friend a lover who can comfort him
His deeds offend he knows that he has brought
On him.
Teardrops - I've had my share of crying buckets
Full of
Teardrops - so hard to take - I got a soaking
With those
Teardrops - and it feels like I have taken over from
The rain. - That Which I Have LostVer letra 3:42
[X]Hes fighting the forces of darkness limitationletra de That Which I Have Lost
Falsehood and mortality which bar him
The way back into the higher world
While his whole being is bewildered
He does not know - no law of action
Taking refuge inside himself and hes saying
I need someone to show me
Illumine my consciousness
Remove the dark from in me
And give me that which I have lost
As all had seemed lost a light from heaven
A flash - inward illumination
Enriched his life more than any words can tell
He stood there, life renewed fresh as rain
Scales were falling from his eyes again
The bolts of his prison opening - hes saying
I found someone who showed me
Illumined my consciousness
Removed the dark from in me
And given me that which I have lost
You people don't have time to listen to him
Youre too busy fighting revolutions
That keep you back down in the lower world
Your mirrors of understanding they need
Polish away the dust of desire
Before pure light will reflect in them
You need someone to show you
Illumine your consciousness
Remove the dark from in you
And give you that which you have lost. - Writing's on the Wall 3:57
- Hong Kong BluesVer letra 2:54
Composición: Hoagy Carmichael[X]Its the story of a very unfortunate coloured manletra de Hong Kong Blues
Who got arrested down in old hong kong
He got twenty years privilege taken away from him
When he kicked old buddhas gong
And now hes poppin the piano just to raise the
Of a ticket to the land of the free
Well, he says his homes in frisco where they
Send the rice
But its really in tennessee
Thats why he says
I need someone to love me
Need somebody to carry me home to san
And bury my body there
I need someone to lend me a fifty-dollar bill
And then
Ill leave hong kong far behind me
For happiness once again
Wont somebody believe
Ive a yen to see that bay again
Everytime I try to leave
Sweet opium wont let me fly away
I need someone to love me
Need somebody to carry me home to san
And bury my body there
Thats the story of a very unfortunate coloured man
Who got arrested down in old hong kong
He got twenty years privilege taken away from him
When he kicked old buddhas gong - Save the WorldVer letra 4:56
[X]Weve got to save the worldletra de Save the World
Someone else may want to use it
So far weve seen
This planets rape, how weve abused it
Weve got to save the world
The russians have the biggest share
With their long fingers everywhere
And now they've bombs in outer space
With laser beams and atomic waste
Rain forest chopped for paper towels
One acre gone in every hour*
Our birds and wildlife all destroyed
To keep some millionaires employed
Weve got to save the whale
Greenpeace they've tried to diffuse it
But dog food salesmen
Persist on kindly to harpoon it
Weve got to save the world
The armament consortium
They're selling us plutonium
Now you can make your own h-bomb
Right in the kitchen with your mom
The nuclear power that costs you more
Than anything youve known before
The half-wits answer to a need
For cancer, death, destruction, greed
Weve got to save the world
Someones children they may need it
So far weve seen
The big business of extinction bleed it
Weve got to save the world
Were at the mercy of so few
With evil hearts determined to
Reduce this planet into hell
Then find a buyer and make quick sale
To end upon a happy note
Like trying to make concrete float
Is very simple knowing that
God in your heart lives
Weve got to save the world
Someone else may want to use it
Its time you knew
How close weve come
Were gonna lose it - we gotta save, we gotta save
We gotta save the world
2 Comentarios de los usuarios
- hector: todas las de canciones de g.h. son para mi las mejores y hay algunas que dan testimonios de que hay un creador que es dios. todas merecen un diez.
- miguelonidas breznev: excelente life itself, el resto del disco flojete